The law requires you call 811 before you dig. Public utility companies will only locate the utilities they provide. By locating public and privately owned utilities, CSF helps utility contractors, construction workers and private homeowners avoid accidental strikes. Our services help to keep the community safe.
Once CSF has located your underground utilities we map the ground to identify what is present. CSF follows the American Public Works Association uniform color codes for the marking of underground utilities.

CSF will Locate All Public & PRIVATE Utilities Which Include:
- Water service lines (plastic or metal)
- Secondary electric (site lighting, signage, 480 volt/220/110 conduits)
- Communications (phone data, cable TV, fiber) -Gas lines (plastic or metal)
- Sewer lines (include septic tanks, leach fields, field tile pipe, etc.)
- Misc. utility lines such as oxygen, steam, chilled water lines, nitrogen and other chemical transport type utilities.